Boyd Safety
Following the establishment of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), all UK employers and the self-employed have a legal duty to ensure risks in their workplaces have been assessed and managed.
Failing to comply with the laws on health and safety is not only a criminal offence, but can result in heavy fines for your business, time and effort in dealing with any disputes and the potential closure of your business.
Based in Dumfries, South Scotland, Boyd Safety is a leading health and safety consultancy company who offer expert advice, training and risk assessments to businesses in every corner of the UK and overseas. With more than 20 years experience, we have helped companies of all sizes from very small family businesses to major international corporations, private organisations and government departments abroad.
Our partnership with our clients is sustainable because:
- We have a practical down to earth approach
- Client satisfaction is our team’s priority
- Our clients have great faith in the Boyd Group as their providers of health and safety
- We are responsive and totally adaptable to our client needs no matter how big or small
- We earn our client’s trust and confidence

Using our unique tailored health and safety consultancy service, our experienced team can carry out either ad-hoc or regular audits and workplace inspections.

Training Courses
For your employees, our consultants provide comprehensive training on all aspects of health and safety including first aid, confined space and fire safety.

Risk Assessments
We can carry out surveys and site inspections, carrying out all relevant work, rather than merely completing templates and generic forms like many in our industry.

Management Systems
Boyd Safety is able to offer everything from fire safety management plans developed exactly to suit your facilities and business operations to the provision of VDU assessments and sound level surveys.
We are able to assist and offer competent advice in all workplace environments ranging from offices to factory floors.

Policies & Procedures
With vast experience in the preparation of policy and procedural documentation, health and safety questionnaires and document templates, we can prepare policy guidlines that meet your business needs.
Policies may include: health and safety, fire safety, lone working, environmental, alcohol, drugs and equal opportunities.

One Stop Shop
As a one-stop shop and a service to our clients we have strategic partnerships with highly reputable associates globally.
This enables us to offer services, including: LEV survey and reports, asbestos management and demolition surveys, thorough examination and load testing, pressure vessel testing and certification.